H-E-Butt Foundation - Canyon Club & Crew Housing
New Construction | Leakey, Texas | 5,400 sf Total
Interior Design: CREO | Architecture: Card & Company Architects
The current project involves new construction that serves the foundation's camp in two distinct capacities. During the camp season, the building provides housing for 24 camp counselors, while the Canyon Club offers a space for young children to explore nature.
CREO Interiors played a crucial role in this project by providing comprehensive interior services, encompassing finish selections, furniture selection, procurement services, and final installation of fixtures, furniture, and equipment (FFE) for both the camp season and off-season interior designs.

Accommodating camp staff during the season and offering a dedicated space for young children's activities, the building seamlessly transforms into housing during the off-season.

The H. E. Butt Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving communities in Texas and beyond, has played a pivotal role in addressing diverse needs over time. Its initiatives range from enhancing literacy and mental health care to supporting recreational activities, including well-known camps.